Introducing CENTER Intelligence - extensive reporting & Business Intelligence.

This week we will dive deeper into Business Intelligence with the fifth CENTER Suite product: Center Intelligence. Center Intelligence converts data into information. This allows you to make effective and efficient decisions based on facts. Besides real-time information CENTER Intelligence can be used to compare historical time frames which enables you to make well timed decisions for the future.

Center Intelligence app
Screenshot Center Intelligence

Powered by Microsoft technology, Center Intelligence provides real-time insight into data from any type of data source. This data is easily presented in easy to understand dashboards and reports. No technical knowledge is required. These dashboards and reports are easy to share and can be accessed anywhere using iOS and Android apps. With Center Intelligence, you always have access to up-to-date information about the KPIs of your organization.


Center Intelligence is available as part of the Center Suite, but can also be used as a standalone software product. It is then simply linked to your existing Terminal Operating System (TOS). However, a TOS is not necessary, any other application is possible, Center Intelligence can be used perfectly.

The look and feel of CENTER Intelligence can be fully adapted to your corporate branding. CENTER Intelligence is a unique web portal that is connected to your existing Terminal Operating System (TOS / ERP) or any other application. Possibilies are endless.


Screenshot Center Intelligence
  • Extensive data insights
  • Universal data connectors: all data is possible (e.g.: existing data-warehouses)
  • “Near-real-time” streaming datasets (with or without data-warehouse)
  • Drill-down options for root-cause analysis.
  • Optional: Self-service BI portal
  • Integration with existing software (e.g.: intranet)
  • Optimized for mobile devices

User examples of what is possible with CENTER Intelligence:

  • What-if analysis
  • What if my crane cycle-times were 80 seconds, instead of 85?
  • What if the average driving distance is 200m, instead of 240?
  • A slicer to set parameters for, for example, driving distance & cycle times
  • View resulting expenses (or income, performance) for:
    • Man hours
    • Electricity
    • Quay time


The complete CENTER SUITE.

Center Suite Applications

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